Can windscreens be made mobile ?
Most of our screen scan be put on wheel-supports and thus can be made mobile in an easy way (take care of the stability, when not used or with strong wind they should be put aside). With our hinges, adapted to our profiles, we can make doors or have screens that can turn tot he wall like a hamronica. Our product-line flowerboxes and sitting benches can be equipped with wheels as an option, and are stable based upon the weight in the boxes.
Are screens tested for maximum windspeed ?
Our windscreens have successfully been tested for windspeeds up to 12 Bft by the well-known institute von Karmen Institute for fluid dynamics. Based on our experience of more than 25 years, mostly on the coastline, we can provide a stable solution taking into account the floor on which to install and the expected exposure to wind.
Are all colors possible?
Besides our standard colors, we can provide most of our products in all (fors ome products limited list of) RAL colors. There is a surcharge to be taken into account.